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(Blog 2) Enshittification and Why I Deleted my Windows Partition

Last Updated on 6/24/24, 6:13 PM

Dictionary.com defines Enshittification as "the gradual degradation of an online platform or service's functionality, as part of a cycle in which the platform or service first offers benefits to users to attract them, then pursues more and more profits at the expense of users." I've said it once and i'll say it again; Windows sucks.

[1] Recall is a neural network (AI) tool that microsoft will be rolling out to their special AI computers. It will let you find out what you were doing at any time in the past on your computer. This includes recording your search history, emails, files, photos, things you type in, etc. Microsoft is installing a LITERAL keylogger onto your PC without your consent. The term "Windows is malware" now rings even more true now. Microsoft claims that they won't record search history on private tabs of their crappy internet explorer reskin: Edge. Knowing Microsoft, it'll probably record history from other browser's private tabs. I'm willing to bet that they'll also save all of their harvested data to a server and then they'll sell it to advertising companies, once again, without your consent. The EU will have a field day with this blatant case of invasion of privacy.

[2] Copilot is a result of Microsoft steamy hot love affair with OpenAI. It'll come prepackaged with microsoft's new special AI computers. AI leaves me with such a bitter taste in my mouth. I have more to say about AI, which will be continued in the "AI in general" section.

[3] Bitlocker. Don't get me STARTED on bitlocker. This feature comes prepackaged with Windows 11 and it enabled by default. It AUTOMATICALLY encrypts all of your files without your knowledge or consent. I was trying to install Ubuntu the other day, at some point it said "hey your files are aalllll encrypted and you neeed to enter a long ass 48 digit key to decrypt them and you need to go to this site and type it all by hand and hope you don't mispell anything!" After I finally found the key and entered it correctly, it says "Great! thanks for entering the key! now wait 30 dang minutes for me to decrypt your files!!!" I understand that some of y'all like privacy and security a bunch, but this should be optional and should NOT be enabled by default.

[4] Windows 11. The sequel to Windows 10, "the last os you'll ever need!" Not only is Windows 11 more bloated than 10, but it is a direct downgrade. Not only that, but they are FORCING you to switch. Bombarding you with pop-ups and reminders to switch to 11. Then they'll discontinue the objectively better option to 11.

[5] Windows is, unfortunately, a MUST have for PC gaming. This is only because microsoft keeps clinging onto EXE files like the jockey from left for dead 2. God forbid that Microsoft even ATTEMPTS to be a decent company. Go on steam, buy any game, and I can almost GUARANTEE you that the game is Windows only. I would switch COMPLETELY to fedora if I could game on it. You have no idea what I would give to be able to run EXE files natively on linux.

[6] Microsoft will be putting ads in the search menu. Why? because the 3.20 trillion dollar company needs more MONEY!

[7] AI. The new fad exectutives in fancy suits are rolling out to little thing. AI can do your homework, talk like a human, program software for you, imitate anyone's face or voice, draw pictures for you, make video games, etc. AI art generators are trained off of art and pictures that were stolen without consent from artists who spent hours making them. Then, people use this AI to make images and then they have the AUDACITY to say that they are artists and that they should be treated equally with people who actually MAKE their art and don't write prompts. The same scummy practices apply to AI generative chatbots. That Dr. Seuss poem you just asked ChatGPT to write your you? Well, it was trained off of Dr. Seuss's work without his estate's knowing or consent. The same applies to when you ask it to write code for you. The AI was trained to write code by stealing absurd amounts of code from places like github without the creator's knowing or consent. Mark my words, companies like disney will start replacing humans with AI just to save money. And, eventually, nobody will care anymore. The pigs will eat their slop. I can't help but think of the human elevator operators who were replaced with buttons when the humans went on strike.

Did I get something wrong? Am I distributing false information? feel free to contact me at postvitasite@gmail.com. I will try and get back to you ASAP.