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About Me


Hi! As previously stated, I am Postvita and this is my blog. I live in Texas, and I'm a aspiring software engineer. I also tinker with 3d and raster art. I am not sure what i'll do with this site, maybe i'll just talk about things i'm passionate about here. I wish to learn how to make games and music, I have the creativity and inspiration necessary, but I just can't figure out where to start. I know a bunch about computers and programming, yet I cannot learn the game engines. I want so desperately to write original songs, yet I cannot find a good resource to learn how to do so.

I started this site about half a year after my previous site, postvita.repl.co, got shut down because the site that i was hosting it on decided to make me start paying for it. I was too lazy to port over the source code to neocities, so I decided to start over.

If you wish to contact me, please use the following email: postvitasite@gmail.com

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